Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Half of Jefferson Elementary is out because of sickness. My kids have caught it and brought it home to Ryan. I sure hope I'm not next. David escaped to Knoxville just in time. What I'm wondering is, once your kids get sick, do you keep them home so they don't get everyone at school sick, or do you send them because if you keep them home, they act perfectly fine? Then there's the whole nursery thing at church...
I get so sick of second guessing myself; no pun intended!


Carie Beard said...

I hear ya! I hope you all get feeling better soon! I know I am SOOOO sick of having sick kids!!! What are you dressing up as for Bunko?

Becky said...

I hope David doesnt catch it from here! Cause its seriously going around here too!!

They have this thing here called the Hotlist, and if your kids miss too many days they put you on the what do parents do? Send em to school whether they are sick er not, that which infecting EVERYONE else...

Yer damned if you and damned if you dont.